Monday, June 29, 2009

tips penjagaan rambut

setiap orang perlu tahu macam mane nak jage rambut supaya lebih teratur, cantik dan yang paling penting sihat. Tak kira la rambuttu panjang atau pendek atau lurus atau kerinting yang penting kena cara nak jage tu. Disebabkan saya ni orang yang sangat prihatin chewah jadi dengan bangganya saye ingin berkongsi tips dengan u all sebab saye pun berambut panjang. Ok before i start my syarahan plez silent your hanphone, take out notes and listen carefully hehe

  1. use fingers. bila bangun je dari tidor perkara yang paling penting kena buat ialah bace doa sebab Tuhan bagi nyawa lagi lepas tu mase otw nak pegi toilet ke nak kemas kati le sikatla rambut tu guna jari supaya terurus dan dapat la leraikan segala kekusutan yang ada. Besides cara ni boleh melancarkan peredaran darah kat kepala tu.
  2. proper brushing. Yang ini penting sebab ade setengah orang sikat rambut camtu je. Cara-cara nye ialah dengan menundukkan kepala anda ke bawah dan bring hair from the nape of the neck over the head and down to the ends. lepas tu stand straight again with hair falling normally and brush. Do it for twice. ( AMARAN : TOLONG SIKAT RAMBUT SEMASA DRY BUKAN WET!!!! KALAU TIDAK RAMBUT ANDA AKAN SENANG DAMAGE AND GUGUR)
  3. Combing. Separate hair into small sections. With a wide-tooth comb, such as our Long Hair Comb, carefully work from the ends in a downward direction only. Use only a wooden or tortoise shell comb – never rubber. Do not pull or yank hair.
  4. Curling. Guna curling roll yang saiz sederhana. Kalau boleh avoid dari guna yang eletrik roles, hot combs dengan curling iron. Kalau nak guna jugak pegi salon dan mintak khidmat pada yang pakar.
  5. Shampoo. Semasa rambut basah better use conditioner dulu baru shampoo. Ramai yang salah anggap untuk guna shampoo dulu baru conditioner. This acts as a buffer and helps protect the hair strand. Then begin shampoo by removing dirt through gentle sudsing. We recommend using our Body Essence Shampoo, which is specially formulated with natural botanicals and designed to clean the hair without stripping away its natural oils. Massage your head to increase the blood supply to the scalp and roots. Kemudian kalau rase ade duit lebih boleh beli Detoxifying Shampoo untuk remove unwanted residues from styling products and the environment.
  6. Environment. Before going out to the beach or pool, comb conditioner such as our Seaweed Pac, through the hair. This helps to protect hair from the sun, chlorine, salt water, and from the sun's heat, and serves as a deep conditioning treatment. Ataupun pakai topi semasa keluar untuk elakkan dari over-exposure sun or pollution or rain maybe
  7. Conditioning. Always apply conditioner from the ears down – never condition the scalp. Do not over-condition. (jgn me'apply' conditioner pd keseluruhan rambut dan elakkan terkena pd kulit kepala..nanti memudahkan kewujudan kelemumur, ini juga akan membuatkan rambut anda berminyak...) Tapikan conditioning too often can cause the cuticle layer of hair to lift making hair brittle and leading to breakage. Rather than conditioning every day, try our All Purpose Aloe Detangler, for snarl free combing.
  8. styling. Memang la orang cakap buat la styling nanti boleh menggambarkan personaliti diri atau make over hair barula up to date tapi too often conventional styling tak elok sebab mostly guna products yang contain alcohol or other harsh chemicals. In the case of these mass-marketed products the look achieved is only surface deep and they tend to damage the hair. The Long Hair Care Group has developed a highly specialized line of styling products which not only makes your hair look great, they impart essential botanicals and vitamins to each strand, conditioning your hair as they hold it in place and body and give it incredible shine.
  9. Sleeping. Bila nak tido kalau boleh use sarung bantal yang jenis satin. Kalau cotton boleh buatrambut putus. Dan lagi satu taburkan bedak kat bantal before sleep untuk mengharumkan rambut anda dan melembutkan lagi. Tapi jangan letak bila dah bangun alamtnye jadi nenek la nanti.

ok ade 9 tips yang u all boleh ikut. Tapi kalu rase korang-korang ni ade info yang lagi best tentang penjagaan rambut boleh la share ok????

3 shout out:

arifrusli said...

hehe. untuk lelaki, jadi botak je. xpayah susah2 jage hahaha

ainey maryshal said...

great idea huhu

naqibmiller said...

ade tips nak elak rambut gugur x??
kritikal dah nih...